T-761 SR 66

Archbold, Ohio 43502


Special Board Meeting Minutes

May 25, 2023


  1. Call to Order

Board chairperson John Nye called the special Board meeting of the Four County ADAMhs Board to order at 5:30 p.m.

Present:  Karen Bleeks, Sandy Herman, Tod Hug, Jeff Mayer, Marcia Mohre, John Nye, William Richter, Cindy Rose, Stephen Seagrave, Scott Stiriz, Sandi Weirauch

Absent:  Roy Miller, Michelle Oyer-Rose, Wayne Smith, Mari Yoder   

Guests:  None

                Staff Present:  Rob Giesige

  • Motion was made by roll call vote to approve the following resolution:

A resolution requesting that the Defiance County Auditor certify the district’s total current valuation and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by a specific number of mills as a renewal levy.

WHEREAS, during an election on November 6, 2018, the electors of the Four County ADAMhs Board District approved a renewal tax for a period of five years; and

WHEREAS, the last collection of that tax levy will occur in the year 2024 and this board had determined that the continuation of the collection of that tax for an additional five years is necessary for the proper operation of the District;

WHEREAS, the board finds that the amount of taxes that may be raised within the ten-mill limitation by levies will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the board to carry out its duties as set forth in Chapter 340 of the Revised Code in the Four county area and, that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of the limitation for the provision of drug addiction services and mental health services in the Four Counties, and

WHEREAS, in accordance with R.C. § 5705.03(B), the board must certify to the Defiance County Auditor a resolution requesting the Auditor to certify: (a) the total current tax valuation of the Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams Counties’ District; (b) the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the levy; and (c) an estimate of how much the levy will collect annually, at a rate not exceeding 0.7 (seven-tenths) mill for each $1.00 of taxable value, and an estimate of how much that amounts to for each $100,000.00 of valuation, for the County Auditor’s appraised value; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with R.C. § 5705.03(B), upon receipt of a certified copy of a resolution of the board declaring the necessity of the tax, stating its purpose, that it is a renewal levy, and the section of the Revised Code authorizing its submission to the electors, and requesting such certification, the County Auditor is to certify the total current tax valuation of the District and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the proposed levy;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Four County ADAMhs Board of Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams counties, that:

Section 1.  This board declares that the amount of taxes that may be raised within the ten-mill limitation by levies will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the board to carry out its duties as set forth in Chapter 340 of the Revised Code in the Four County area and, that it is necessary to levy a renewal of the existing 0.7 (seven-tenths) ad valorem property tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, for a period of five (5) years, for the provision of drug addiction services and mental health services in the Four Counties; and that it intends to submit the question of that renewal levy to County electors at an election to be held on November 7, 2023, as authorized by R.C. § 5705.19.

Section 2.  This board requests the Defiance County Auditor certify to it the following:

                (a)  The total current tax valuation of the District, and

(b)  The dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the renewal 0.7 (seven-tenths) mill tax levy.

(c)  An estimate of how much the levy will collect annually, at a rate not exceeding 0.7(seven-tenths) mill for each $1.00 of taxable value, and an estimate of how much that amounts to for each $100,000.00 of valuation, for the County Auditor’s appraised value.

Section 2.  This board states that the purpose of this levy is to provide for current expenses and that Section 5705.19 of the Revised Code authorizes submission of the question of the levy.

Section 3.  That the chairperson or vice-chairperson of the board shall immediately deliver a certified copy of this resolution to Jill Little, Defiance County auditor.

Section 4.  This board finds and determines that all formal actions of this board, and of any of its committees concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were taken, and that all deliberations of this board and of any of its committees that resulted in those formal actions were held, in meeting open to the public, in compliance with the law.

5-25-23-1 Vote

MOTION:  Dr. Richter                                       SECOND:  Tod Hug                           MOTION PASSED

Karen Bleeks, yes; Sandy Herman, yes; Tod Hug, yes; Jeff Mayer, yes; Roy Miller, absent; Marcia Mohre, yes; John Nye, yes; Michelle Oyer-Rose, absent; Dr. William Richter, yes; Cindy Rose, yes; Stephen Seagrave, yes; Wayne Smith, absent; Scott Stiriz, yes; Sandra Weirauch, yes; Mari Yoder, absent.

Roll Call: 11 yes, 0 no                                        MOTION PASSED

3.         Adjournment

            5-25-23-2 Vote

                MOTION:  Stephen Seagrave                           SECOND:  Dr. Richter                       MOTION PASSED

The meeting adjourned at 5:34 p.m.

                                                                                                                                Board Chairperson, John Nye