T-761 SR 66

Archbold, Ohio 43502


Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2023


  1. Call to Order and Introduction of Guests

Board chairperson John Nye called the June meeting of the Four County ADAMhs Board to order at 5:30 p.m.

Present:  Karen Bleeks, Sandy Herman, Roy Miller, Marcia Mohre, John Nye, Michelle Oyer-Rose, Cindy Rose, Stephen Seagrave, Sandi Weirauch, Mari Yoder

 Absent: Tod Hug, Jeff Mayer, Wayne Smith, William Richter, M.D.

 Guests: Joanna Gioia, OhioGuidestone, Connie Planson, Maumee Valley Guidance Center; Jean Groves, Recovery Services of NWO; Pat Hardy, OhioGuidestone, Roberta Mack, Center for Child and Family Services, Christine McVay, OhioGuidestone

Staff Present:  Rob Giesige, Diane Goyings, Tonie Long, Bethany Shirkey, Angelica Abels

2. Community Response- Joanna Gioia, OhioGuidestone, introduced Pat Hardy as the new Director of Outpatient Services. They are expanding outpatient urgent care to Defiance.

3. Approval of Board Minutes of September 14, 2023.

11-9-23-1 Vote

MOTION:  Sandy Herman                     SECOND: Sandi Weirauch                 MOTION PASSED

Michelle Oyer-Rose entered the meeting at 5:32.

4.         Board Ends

  1. Policy 1.2(Service Accessibility) was tabled until the next board meeting.
  2. Roy Miller reviewed Policy 2.6(Committees) and the Board is in compliance.
  3. Cindy Rose reviewed Policy 2.7 (Board Member Orientation and Training) and the Board is in compliance.
  4. Roy Miller reviewed Policy 2.8 (Board Indemnification) and the Board is in compliance.
  5. Sandi Weirauch reviewed Policy 3.1 (Delegation Style) and the Board is in compliance.

5. Board Monitoring

  1. 1st Quarter Utilization Report-Tonie provided comparisons for FY24 crisis screens and out of county screens as well. Tonie reported that all providers were in compliance with access to care. Tonie stated she has completed access audits for OhioGuidestone, Center for Child and Family Services and Recovery Services. Tonie has one more access audit to complete.
  2. CEO Report-Rob reported that the levy has passed. An average of 64.49% of voters voted yes, 35.51% voted no. The next levy will be in three years. CCNO’s mental health wing is not open yet, they are in need of one more employee to be at full staff capacity. The 8-person Recovery Services project in Wauseon has started. Rob stated that it should be completed by April 2024.
  3. Board member Marcia Mohre reported that she has reviewed Policy 4.1 (Financial Conditions) and that the Board is in compliance.

6.         Approval of the Approval Agenda

  1. To authorize payment of the itemized list of bills as presented to the Board at the November 9, 2023 board meeting under the provision of Then and Now Certificates. (A copy of the list follows the meeting minutes.)
  2. To authorize filing calendar year 2023 adjusted appropriations and estimated revenue as submitted to the Board, and to authorize the CEO to make any and all necessary adjustments to calendar year 2023 appropriations and estimated revenue to carry on the fiscal functions of the Board as allowed in ORC Section 340.032.  (A copy of the list follows the meeting minutes.)  
  3. To authorize the Board CEO to contract with the Defiance County Sheriff’s office to provide DARE programming in an amount not to exceed $7,500.  This shall be for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  4. To authorize the Board CEO to contract with Henry County Sheriff’s office in amount not to exceed $5,000 and the City of Napoleon for an amount not to exceed $4,000 to provide school-based substance abuse programming.  This shall be for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  5. To authorize the Board CEO to contract with the Fulton County Prosecutor’s office for an amount not to exceed $6,500 and Village of Fayette for an amount not to exceed $1,000 to provide school-based substance abuse programming.  This shall be for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  6. To authorize the CEO to enter into an agreement with Secure Telehealth for a period of 12 months, December 1, 2023 through November 30, 2024, for an amount not to exceed $7,500.
  7. To authorize the Board CEO to execute agreements for the effective and efficient administration of the SOS Projects funds not to exceed $944,184.35 for the period September 30, 2023 through September 29, 2024.

11-9-23-2 Vote

MOTION:  Stephen Seagrave                SECOND:  Marcia Mohre          MOTION PASSED

7.         New Business

  1. The next Board meeting will on December 14, 2023 at 5:30 at The Barn in Archbold, Ohio

8.         Executive Session

Motion to go into executive session for the purpose of employment of a public employee

11-9-23-3 Vote

MOTION:  Mari Yoder             SECOND: Roy Miller                          MOTION PASSED 

Karen Bleeks, yes; Sandy Herman, yes; Roy Miller, yes; Marcia Mohre, yes; John Nye, Michelle Oyer-Rose, yes; Cindy Rose, yes; Stephen Seagrave, yes; Sandra Weirauch, yes; Mari Yoder, yes.         

Roll Call: 10 yes, 0 no                        MOTION PASSED

The Board went into executive session at approximately 6:02 p.m.

The Board returned to regular session at approximately 6:15 p.m.

Motion to approve the hiring of Tonie Long as the CEO of the Four County ADAMhs Board with the terms and conditions as finalized by Board chair, John Nye with a starting date of January 1, 2024.

11-9-23-4 Vote

MOTION: Stephen Seagrave     SECOND: Sandy Herman                     MOTION PASSED

9.       Adjournment

11-9-23-5 Vote

 MOTION:  Mari Yoder        SECOND:  Marcia Mohre              MOTION PASSED

The meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m.

                                                                                                                                Board Chairperson, John Nye