T-761 SR 66

Archbold, Ohio 43502


Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2023


  1. Call to Order and Introduction of Guests

Board chairperson John Nye called the June meeting of the Four County ADAMhs Board to order at 5:30 p.m.

Present:  Karen Bleeks, Tod Hug, Jeff Mayer, Roy Miller, Marcia Mohre, John Nye, William Richter, M.D., Cindy Rose, Stephen Seagrave, Scott Stiriz, Sandi Weirauch

                Absent:  Sandy Herman, Michelle Oyer-Rose, Wayne Smith, Mari Yoder  

                Guests:  Connie Planson, Maumee Valley Guidance Center; Ruth Peck, Recovery Services of NW Ohio; Joanna Gioia, OhioGuidestone; Christine McVay, OhioGuidestone 

                Staff Present:  Rob Giesige, Diane Goyings, Tonie Long, Bethany Shirkey

  • Community Response-Ruth Peck, Recovery Services of NW Ohio announced things are going great and MAT services have been expanded in the Bryan office.  Roy expressed that BJ Horner is doing an awesome job with prevention services.
  • Approval of Board Minutes of May 11, 2023 and May 25, 2023.

6-8-23-1 Vote

            MOTION:  Roy Miller                          SECOND:  Tod Hug                 MOTION PASSED

4.         Board Ends

  1. Policy Review
  2. Board member Cindy Rose reported that she has reviewed Policy 2.3 (Board Member Characteristics) and the Board is in compliance.
  3. Board member Dr. Richter reported he has reviewed Policy 2.5 (Officer Roles/Election of

Officers) and the Board is in compliance.

  • Board member John Nye reported that he has reviewed Policy 4.4 (Budget Restrictions) and the Board is in compliance.
  • Motion was made to approve the following resolution:


(Note:  This must be a roll call vote)

BE IT RESOLVED by the Four County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services of Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams Counties, not less than two-thirds of all members elected thereto concurring, that:

Section 1:  It is hereby found and declared that the amount of taxes which may be raised within the ten-mill limitation will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of the Four County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services District, and that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of that limitation for the purpose of current expenses of the Four County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services District in the amount of .7 (7/10) mills for five years.

Section 2: The Defiance County Auditor has certified all of the following to be true:

                (a) The total current tax valuation of the District is $4,115,679,961.

(b)  The dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the renewal 0.7 (seven-tenths) mill tax levy is $2,505,275.

(c)  It is estimated that the levy will collect 2,505,275 annually, at a rate not exceeding 0.7(seven-tenths) mill for each $1.00 of taxable value, and much that will amount to $20.00 for each $100,000.00 of valuation, for the County Auditor’s appraised value.

Section 3:  The question of a renewal of an existing tax levy of .7 (7/10) mills for the purpose of current expenses of the Four County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services District for five years, beginning with the tax list and duplicate for the year 2024, the proceeds of which levy first would be available to the District in the calendar year 2025, be submitted under the provisions of Section 5705.19 of the Ohio Revised Code to the electors of the district (being electors of Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams Counties) at the general election to be held therein on November 7, 2023, as authorized by law.  That election shall be held at the regular places of voting in those Counties as established by the Board of Elections of Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams Counties, or otherwise, within the times provided by law and shall be conducted, canvassed and certified in the manner provided by law.

Section 4:  The form of ballot to be cast at that election on the question of that tax levy shall be substantially as follows:




A Majority Affirmative Vote is Necessary for Passage

An additional renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Four County (Defiance-Fulton-

Henry-Williams) Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services District for the purpose of current expenses of the Four County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services District, that the county auditor estimates will collect $2,505,275 annually, at a rate not exceeding seven-tenths (.7) mill for each one dollar of taxable value, which amounts to $20.00 for each $100,000.00 of the county auditor’s appraised value, for five years, commencing in 2024, first due in calendar year 2025.



Section 5:  The CEO of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to give or cause to be given notice of said election as provided by law.

Section 6:  The CEO of this Board is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Board of Elections of Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams Counties, on or before August 9, 2023.

Section 7:  It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements.

6 -8-23-2 Vote

            MOTION:  Dr. Richter                          SECOND:  Sandi Weirauch      MOTION PASSED

Karen Bleeks, yes; Sandy Herman, absent; Tod Hug, yes; Jeff Mayer, yes; Roy Miller, yes; Marcia Mohre, yes; John Nye, yes; Michelle Oyer-Rose, absent; Dr. Richter, yes; Cindy Rose, yes; Stephan Seagrave, yes; Wayne Smith, absent; Scott Stiriz, yes; Sandra Weirauch, yes; Mari Yoder, absent.

Roll Call:  11 yes, 0 no                                       MOTION PASSED

5.         Board Monitoring

  1. CEO Report-Rob shared with the Board that Recovery Services Recovery Housing Project will start the bidding process for renovations.  New Home Development project is waiting on a survey to be completed.  The agency currently has 16 acres next to the existing Upton Heights building and plans on continuing expansion in the future.  Rob also reported that the state offered additional funding of $500,000 for the recovery housing project being done by Recovery Services.  If final approval is received, the ADAMhs Board match money of $500,000 would then be used for sustainability.  A transportation agreement has been signed with Triangular and clients have already been transported.  The state audit is being finalized.  Rob announced Scott Stiriz will be retiring from the Board at the end of his term on June 30.  Scott served on the Board from 9/8/11-6/30/23.  Rob announced that he will be retiring at the end of the calendar year.  He suggested a job description be put on the ADAMhs website for his position.  The Board agreed and a target post-date of 7/1/23 was given.

6.         Approval of the Approval Agenda

  1. To authorize payment of the itemized list of bills as presented to the Board at the June 8, 2023 board meeting under the provision of Then and Now Certificates.  (A copy of the list follows the meeting minutes.)
  2. To approve the FY 2024 Board office budget as presented to the Board at the June 8, 2023 board meeting.  (A copy of the budget follows the meeting minutes.)
  3. To authorize the CEO to contract with the NAMI Four County for public awareness and education services in the amount of $7,000 for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  4. To authorize the CEO to contract with the Williams County Juvenile Court for an amount not to exceed $50,000.  This will be for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  5. To authorize the CEO to provide an amount not to exceed $35,000 to Fulton County Court of Common Pleas, an amount not to exceed $35,000 to Williams County Court of Common Pleas for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  6. To authorize the CEO to execute a contract with Mercy Health Systems for the provision of behavioral health services.  The amount shall not exceed $125,000 for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  7. To authorize the CEO to execute a contract with UTMC for the provision of behavioral health services.  The amount shall not exceed $250,000 for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  8. To authorize the CEO to extend the contract with ProMedica for the provision of behavioral health services.  The amount shall not exceed $150,000 for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  9. To authorize the Board CEO to execute agreements for the effective and efficient administration and treatment of the Addiction Treatment Program funds.  This agreement will be consistent with all requirements as stipulated by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.  The total amount shall not exceed $225,000 for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  10. To provide funding support to Ascend Innovations in an amount not to exceed $6,000 for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
  11. To provide an amount not to exceed $50,000 to the Guardianship Service Board for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.

            6-8-23-3 Vote

            MOTION:  Stephen Seagrave                SECOND:  Karen Bleeks          MOTION PASSED

7.         Approval of adding the following item with Roy Miller abstaining from the vote and renumber as needed.

  1. To authorize the CEO to sign an agreement with Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio to administer the Criminal Justice Behavioral Linkage Grant for an amount not to exceed $223,355.01 for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. 

            6-8-23-4 Vote

            MOTION:  Dr. Richter                         SECOND:  Jeff Mayer              MOTION PASSED

8.         New Business

  1. Dr. Richter, chairman of the nominating committee, reported that receiving no other nominations, the following motion is made:

6-8-23-5 Vote

Motion to elect John Nye, chairperson; Stephen Seagrave, vice-chairperson for FY24.

            MOTION:  Dr. Richter                         SECOND:  Roy Miller              MOTION PASSED

  • Rob informed the Board that the only fair booth that would be manned during the day will be Fulton.  The other booths will be checked during the day to replenish information.

9.         Executive Session

No executive session was needed.

10.       Adjournment

            6-8-23-6 Vote

            MOTION:  Tod Hug                             SECOND:  Scott Stiriz              MOTION PASSED

The meeting adjourned at 5:46 p.m.

                                                                                                                                Board Chairperson, John Nye