T-761 SR 66
Archbold, Ohio 43502
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2024
- Call to Order and Introduction of Guests
Board chairperson John Nye called the January meeting of the Four County ADAMhs Board to order at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Karen Bleeks, Sandy Herman, Tod Hug, Marcia Mohre, Jeff Mayer, Roy Miller, John Nye, Dr. Richter, Cindy Rose, Stephen Seagrave, Wayne Smith, Sandi Weirauch, Mari Yoder
Absent: Michelle Oyer-Rose
Guests: Ruth Peck, Recovery Services of NW Ohio; Roberta Mack, Center for Child and Family Advocacy, Patricia Hardy, OhioGuidestone
Staff Present: Tonie Long, Angelica Abels, Bethany Shirkey
- Community Response-Ruth Peck, Recovery Services stated that there has been a lot of progress on the Recovery House project and should be completed by April. The Serenity Haven project is going out for bid in February with a plan to add classrooms and offices, fix restrooms and add exercise equipment. The projected completion date is June of 2024. Roberta Mack, Center for Child and Family Advocacy stated that there has been an increase in female juvenile behavioral problems which has prompted additional groups in the Napoleon office. Patricia Hardy, OhioGuidestone, stated that they have an urgent care clinic in Napoleon. She also stated that they have a walk-in clinic for alcohol use disorder in Wauseon that is open one day a week. These clinics are open to all. Clients do not have to be patients at OhioGuidestone to have access to the clinic. OhioGuidestone coordinates with other agencies.
- Approval of Board Minutes of December 14, 2023.
1-11-24-1 Vote
MOTION: Dr. Richter SECOND: Sandra Weirauch MOTION PASSED
- Board Ends
A. Policy 3.2 (CEO Job Expectations) was tabled until the next board meeting.
B. Board member Stephen Seagrave reported that he has reviewed Policy 3.4 (CEO Qualifications) and that the Board is in compliance.
4. Board Monitoring
A. Board member Marcia Mohre reported that she has reviewed Policy 4.1 (Financial Conditions) and that the Board is in compliance. (A copy of the FY24 second quarter report follows the meeting minutes.)
B. 2nd Quarter Utilization- Bethany Shirkey reported the 4th quarter totals were very good. Access to care showed improvement as OhioGuidestone implemented open access. One complaint was filed for the quarter and it was resolved. Number of days from first contact to assessment and number of days from assessment to treatment are all in compliance.
C. CEO Report-Tonie reported that the transportation program provided approximately 900 rides in the first nine months of the program. The program appears to be very successful. Tonie also reported there is a continuing need of crisis stabilization beds. She is exploring an option with Unison Behavioral Health located in Wood County. Regional dollars can be used for the Unison stabilization, which will be a cost savings for the Board. She is also working with Children’s Resource Center in Bowling Green to provide crisis stabilization services for four county youth
- Approval of the Approval Agenda
- To authorize filing calendar year 2024 adjusted appropriations and estimated revenue as submitted to the Board, and to authorize the CEO to make any and all necessary adjustments to calendar year 2024 appropriations and estimated revenue to carry on the fiscal functions of the Board as allowed in ORC Section 340.032. (A copy follows the meeting minutes.)
- In accordance with Revised Code Sections 340.03(A), the Four County ADAMhs Board is hereby giving notice of the Board’s intention to make substantial changes and or non-renewal of contracts with providers for FY 2025. (A copy of the draft letter follows the meeting minutes.)
- To authorize the CEO to contract with Triangular Processing Inc. to provide client transportation in an amount not to exceed $60,000 for the period January 11, 2024 through December 31, 2024.
- To authorize the CEO to sign an amendment to the five-year contract with CliftonLarsonAllen LLP for auditing procedures at an additional cost of $33,475 for FY2024
1-1-24-2 Vote
- New Business
- The next meeting, if held, will be February 9, 2023. March will be mandatory board member training.
7. Executive Session
No executive session was needed.
8. Adjournment
1-11-24-3 Vote
MOTION: Stephen Seagrave SECOND: Sandy Herman MOTION PASSED
The meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.